Before we know it, Easter will be here, so I’ve rounded up ten fun bunny, egg, and chick crafts for kids to make!
Aren’t they all SO darling? Every day my kiddos ask what craft they can make, and now I have a bunch of projects that will keep them busy for the coming weeks. 🙂 I love that these are all really simple and involve easy-to-find materials.
We’re looking forward to our annual egg hunt and of course waking up to some goodie-filled baskets on Easter Sunday. This season is just too much fun!
To help my littles get excited for this special time of year, I’m going to rely on this wonderful list of creative ideas! I know they’ll be thrilled! I hope you find some that you want to make with your kiddos too!
Tissue Paper Baby Chicks @ Simple As That
Easter Carrot Treat Bags @ Confessions of a Cookbook Queen
Bunny Cup Craft @ SheKnows
Toilet Paper Roll Easter Bunny @ Pin Inspired
Bunny and Chicken Easter Hats @ One Perfect Day
Bunny Twinkies @ Hungry Happenings
Paper Eggs @ Craft and Creativity
Pom Pom Easter Chicks @ Crafts Unleashed
Pom Pom Egg Painting @ Crafty Morning
Sensory Texture Easter Eggs @ mpm Ideas
Happy Crafting and Happy Easter!