So glad you stopped by!
I’m mom to four absolutely adorable kiddos and wife to an amazing hubby, who are my first loves. My second love, other than chocolate, is Pinterest. Pinterest provides a little “out” when I need a breather from my crazy but wonderful job as wife, mother, and taxi driver to the wonderful people shown below.

Because of Pinterest, I’ve wowed dinner crowds, entertained my children, potty trained a two year old in a day, and made more trinkets than my house can hold.
I’m one of those people who actually tries to think of things that can not get done for a while in the real world, so I can get to my “to do” list from the virtual world of Pinterest.
The question now is how do I live with it? I’m having to re-learn time management, get accustomed to much fewer hours of sleep, and I’m doing my best to keep at bay the strain that is put on my marriage when I ask (or tell) my husband to shelf the closets or to re-landscape the yard. đŸ™‚
Thanks for visiting!
You may have seen me on KSL Studio 5 (a Utah-based, family-focused television program), January 6, 2014, where I shared three adorable kids’ crafts that are perfect for a winter day!
I Dig Pinterest has been a contributor/guest poster on these great sites!
Somewhat Simple
Cheerios and Lattes
Gingersnap Crafts
Design Dazzle
I Heart Naptime
My recipes/crafts have been featured on many sites, including:
Woman’s Day
Recipe Lion
All Free Copycat Recipes
Six Sisters’ Stuff
Lil’ Luna
I Heart Naptime
Tatertots and Jello
36th Avenue
Dollar General
and more!
**This site is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Pinterest.