It’s a Vietnamese sauce that comes in a clear plastic bottle with a green top and a picture of a Rooster on the front. I purchase it at Walmart, but I’ve seen it lots of other places, too.
It’s sweet, spicy and absolutely incredible tasting, that is if you like food with a kick. 🙂
My mouth literally starts to water just thinking about it. I dream about the stuff, no joke. My husband and I add it to just about everything that we put into our mouths now…pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, grilled pork and grilled pineapple, stir fry, tacos…heck, my husband even drizzled it over chocolate cake the other night. He said it was quite tasty, but I drew the line there. 🙂
We discovered the other day that “Rooster Sauce”, as we call it, is a perfect companion to Asiago cheese on Ritz Crackers. Sometimes I like to add ham too, but it’s great without it.