This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Jif® and Smucker’s®. All opinions are mine alone. #BetterTogetherPBandJ #WeAreBetterTogether #CollectiveBias
Hit the ground running this school year with this easy system of organization for lunch prep!
Summer break has come to an end (sniff, sniff). It went by way too fast! School is once again in full swing. I’m still in denial that I have three kids in school this year! Every time I think about it, I feel old. 🙂
I like to get into a routine as quickly as possible once the kids head back. It’s so important to get organized in order to keep the chaos to a minimum.
Something we’ve always done, that I know really helps, is to get an early start to our day. My kids are early risers anyway, but once they’re up, they’re eating breakfast, getting dressed, brushing teeth and making lunches.We have a rule that there is no playing until they’re completely ready to go!
In the past, I mainly prepared the kids’ lunches on my own, but my oldest two are at an age where they are ready to take on the task! It’s so nice that they can help with some of the responsibilities in the morning before we head out the door.
I’ve found that their job is so much easier when I keep all the lunch items contained in one, convenient place. So I have a basket that I bring out each morning, where I throw drinks and fruit, cheese sticks, etc. so they can easily put their lunches together.
I think PB&J sandwiches are every kid’s favorite lunch, my kiddos are no exception there. So Jif® Creamy Peanut and Smucker’s® Strawberry Jam are always front and center while lunch prep is happening.
I shopped at Dollar General for our sandwich supplies. Their prices are great! It’s nice to save some cash during this time of big spending. Be sure to use this coupon for $1.00 off when you buy both Jif Peanut Butter & Smucker’s Fruit Spread!
The traditional Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich cannot be beat! It’s so simple and yet so yummy! A layer of Jif Creamy Peanut Butter followed by a nice slathering of Smucker’s Strawberry Jam. There never was a more perfect pairing! I grew up enjoying it and my kiddos love it too! It’s such a lunch time classic! Plus, it’s something that’s easy for them to make in a hurry on busy mornings!
It makes me beam from ear to ear just watching my kids interacting pleasantly in the kitchen while spreading peanut butter and jam on bread. 🙂
And I know my kids smile when they open their lunch boxes to find their homemade creations. So many happy memories are made over PB&J sandwiches! Do your kids make their own lunches?
I’d love to hear your tips and tricks for staying organized during back to school time!