I don’t know about you, but one of the things I enjoy most about hosting Halloween parties is the adorable handmade favors that I get to create like today’s Bat Treat Holder made with an empty toilet paper roll! I love watching the kids’ faces light up when they see what they get to take home. 🙂
A few years ago, we took a family trip to tour the caverns that are a few hours from our house. My husband and I had told the kids that we may see bats while we were there. Rather than it exciting them, they were pretty much paranoid the entire time, watching their back for a wayward flying black creature. 🙂 We assured them that they really only come out during the night, so not to worry.
I admit that I really have no desire to see a furry bat up close and personal, but they sure are cute in the artificial cardboard form, don’t you think? 🙂
It just so happens that toilet paper rolls are a perfect storage compartment for tiny treats!
The tutorial is unbelievably easy:
Toilet paper roll
Black Paint
Googly Eyes
Black cardstock or posterboard
Chalk Marker or White Pen/Marker
Hot Glue Gun
Treats for filling
Start by painting your toilet paper roll and allowing it to dry completely.
While it’s drying, cut out two small bat wings out of black cardstock or posterboard. I free-handed one, then traced it again, cut both out, and flipped the one over. You’ll want to have small tabs on the inside of the wings where they will attach to your toilet paper roll.
Fold the wing tabs, place a line of hot glue on each of the tabs, then press them firmly onto the sides of your toilet paper roll. Hot glue on two googly eyes, then draw on a cute little smile with a chalk marker or white pen.
Press the bottom up to form an encasing, fill with treats, then do the same for the top portion.
These come together super quickly and are way too adorable, don’t you think?!
My kids enjoyed helping make these and I can’t wait to give them out as party favors or even a classroom Halloween gift at my kids’ school!
Just don’t forget to save those toilet paper rolls, because you’ll need them in bulk!