If you only ever make one more cookie in your life, let it be these white chocolate Berry Cheesecake Cookies. They are delightful!
We ate at Subway not long ago, and had the pleasure of partaking of the Raspberry Cheesecake Cookie.Have you had it yet?
It’s heaven.
Anyway, ever since, I’ve been on a mission to replicate it in my own kitchen.
I’m pleased to announce that I did more than replicate them…I topped them! Yes, they are even better than the original, which is saying a lot!
I brought a gigantic plateful of this handheld berry cheesecake goodness to an evening pool party for my daughter’s activity day class and they disappeared like a magic act! Except in this case, the remains were sitting happily at the bottom of our tummies. 🙂
I had lots of requests for the recipe, and it’s no wonder. These suckers are fantastic!
Whenever I hit the kitchen in hopes of coming up with the next amazing dessert, I never know what will come of it. But a lot of the fun of of recipe creation is in the wonder, excitement, and anticipation of the final result.
To me, taking that first bite of a never-before eaten concoction is kind of like stepping off the edge of a tall rock ledge, while strapped to repelling equipment, of course. It takes courage, yet it’s oh-so-thrilling!
You never knew you had to be daring to take a bite of a cookie, now did you? Yes, I take that risk for the sake of my wonderful readers. 🙂 I mean, you never know if the ingredient combo could initiate gagging or even heaving. Ha!
But in today’s case, luckily, the ingredients are a deadly combination, not because I accidentally added clear, unlabeled cleaning solution instead of vinegar (I’ve almost done that one before), but because the result is so incredible that it shouldn’t be allowed to exist.
Adapted heavily from Six Sisters’ Stuff
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
2 Berry Muffin Mixes (7 ounces each) I used Strawberry and Triple Berry
2 eggs
1/2 c. (1 stick) butter, softened
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 c. all-purpose flour
1 c. white chocolate chips
In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream together cream cheese, muffin mixes, eggs, butter, brown sugar, and vanilla. In a separate bowl, stir together baking soda and flour. Fold in flour mixture and white chocolate chips with creamed mixture, just until no more flour shows on batter. Drop by heaping tablespoons onto baking sheets. I did my best to make them rounded. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes. Don’t let the bottoms of the cookies get too brown! Allow them to cool for 3-4 minutes on the baking sheets, and then carefully remove them to a cooling rack. Store in an air-tight container.
Oh Berry Cheesecake Cookies, you have my heart! Trust me when I say you’ll thank me if these are the next dessert you make!
Sam @ DIY Huntress