Candy corns are just too cute, so I couldn’t help but use them to make today’s DIY craft…a Candy Corn Treat Bucket perfect for trick-or-treating on Halloween night! It’s deceivingly easy to make!
I don’t personally like to eat candy corns, but creating with them is sure a thrill! There’s a lot of gluing involved with this project, but it goes quite fast.
My two-year-old snatched it when I finished photographing and hasn’t put it down since. 🙂
1 mini metal bucket (I purchased mine at Target at the Dollar Spot)
Candy Corns (1 bag was exactly enough, so you may want another just in case)
Hot Glue Gun
Drill for making the holes in the sides
Begin by drilling a small hole (just large enough to string your ribbon through) in opposite sides of the bucket towards the top.
String your ribbon through the hole
Tie a big knot.
Now do the same for the other side, and you’ve got a cute ribbon handle! I ended up swapping the Halloween ribbon out for some white rick rack because I liked the look of it better against the candy corns.
Now start hot gluing on your candy corns. I began by putting a row around the top of the bucket and then worked down from there.
As you move down, the candy corns will tend to go more in a slanting pattern because of their shape.
I had to fill in just a few spaces with candy corns that I cut to just the right size, especially at the bottom. After the bucket was covered, I glued on some white rick rack around the top rim of the bucket for decoration.
How adorable is this? It’s a fun mini bucket for the little ones to take out trick-or-treating where it’s sure to receive lots of attention! My little Hulk was the perfect model.
These would also be great party favors!