A phenomenal dessert mix with air-popped popcorn covered in a cinnamon caramel mixture, baked in the oven to perfection, then drizzled with melted white chocolate!

I’ve always loved sweet popcorn. Yes, I enjoy the super buttered movie popcorn, but there’s just something about popcorn covered in lots and lots of caramel…and chocolate! It can’t be beat.
Now that the holidays are just about over, I’m doing my best to get back on a normal diet…you know…one that doesn’t consist of cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 🙂 Someone’s got to eat those goodie gifts during Christmas time. I’m not afraid to take one for the team. 🙂
But that doesn’t mean that I won’t be rewarding all my hard workout efforts with a sweet treat here and there. It doesn’t hurt to cheat a little, after all. I feel like if I deprive myself too much of sugar, I end up over eating in other areas and defeating the purpose of my “healthy” food goals.
Now, self control once I eat bite one of that treat is a whole other story. But I’m determined to conquer that struggle…tomorrow. 🙂 There’s always next year.
I have a funny story to accompany today’s delectable dessert. So I had a big-time blonde moment and made the caramel in a plastic bowl in the microwave. It did pretty good for the first session, but on the second go-around I got quite the surprise when I removed it. Imagine a bowl with no bottom and hot caramel splatters everywhere! It took quite a toll on my slippers. I’m just glad I was wearing them. It was one of those hand-to-the-head “duh” moments that could have easily been avoided with some smarts that I lacked in the moment. Oh well, good times! So don’t be like me…be sure to use a microwave-safe bowl.
My sister introduced me to this ridiculously delicious popcorn mix (that was thanks to her mother-in-law) a while back, and I’m just now getting around to sharing it. I know, I’m a terrible person for keeping this one from you. I’m sorry for that. But you’ll forgive me when you see how good it is.
She’d tempted me with a texted photo after she’d just pulled it from the oven, and I twisted her arm to hand over the recipe, so here it is without further ado!
12 cups popped popcorn (I like to pop my kernels in a folded-down brown paper bag in the microwave)
1 cup roughly chopped pecans
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking soda
8-12 oz. white chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Place popcorn and chopped pecans in a large bowl and set aside. Be sure to remove all the un-popped kernels.
Combine the brown sugar and cinnamon in a 2-quart capacity microwave safe bowl. Mix well. Chop the butter into chunks and place on top of the sugar mixture. Pour corn syrup over everything. Microwave on high for 30 seconds and then stir to combine. Return to microwave and heat for 2 minutes. Remove and stir and then microwave for 1 minute more.
Remove from microwave and add vanilla and baking soda. Stir to combine. The mixture will foam and rise. Immediately pour the caramel mixture over the popcorn and pecans and carefully stir/toss very well so everything is well coated.
Spread popcorn mixture onto a foil-lined cookie sheet. place the pan in the oven and bake for 30 minutes, stirring every 10 minutes.
Remove the pan from the oven and spread mixture out on a large piece of parchment, waxed paper, or foil sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.
Melt white chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl, in 30 second increments, stirring between. Drizzle over caramel popcorn and let the chocolate set up. When it’s cooled, break it into chunks and enjoy!
This is a perfect snack for those times when you’re lounging on the couch watching your favorite movie in your PJ’s. There never was a better solution to those afternoon/evening munchies than this!