Now, using Elmer’s Glue, glue the fish pieces together. Glue on the googly eyes, and glue the fish to your other blue plate. This will be the back portion of your aquarium. Glue on your bubbles (I used Hot Glue).Spread a thin coating of Elmer’s glue on the bottom portion of your plate. Sprinkle on the dirt or sand to cover the glue, then glue on your seashells. We found that Hot Glue was needed for this part, but maybe we just weren’t patient enough in allowing the Elmer’s Glue to dry. 🙂
Glue a few pieces of green rick rack on to look like sea weed, if you’d like. We forgot this part (oops!), but it would have made it even cuter.
Lastly, put a circle of Hot Glue around the edge of the plate that will be the back of the aquarium (the one where the fish are). Quickly place your other plate (the one with the plastic piece) over the top and make sure they stick together.You’re done!
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Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says
the cape on the corner says
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Jill Shepherd says
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success
Krista Low says
The Tumbleweed Contessa says
Dee @ From Wine to Whine says
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