Keep those Box Tops organized with this fun and colorful upcycled soup can container!
Even though the kids are on summer break, we continue to collect Box Tops religiously, just like we did when school was in session. We’ve built up quite the collection that the kids will be happy to turn over to their teachers when the new school year starts in not too long.
I’m a firm believer that every penny counts! Especially when each Box Top is worth .10 cents. And it really adds up quick if every student chips in a bunch! I know most schools can use the extra cash, my kids’ school very much included.
In fact, my son, who was in kindergarten last year, told me how his class was able to purchase two new tablets, thanks in large part due to funds earned from Box Tops. His teacher used these tablets during “Breakout Sessions” for the kids to play learning games.
It was so fulfilling for me to hear a first-hand account of how those Box Tops proceeds are being put to good use to aid in my kids’ education and to think that we played a small part in it.
In the past, I’d just been throwing all of our clipped Box Tops in a kitchen drawer. But they were getting lost in the mix of randoms and it was always a chore to find all of them in a hurry before sending the kids out the door to school. I’ve been trying to be more organized, so this is another project in the books! Plus, it only took about 10 minutes, so I call that a major win! You know I’m all about simple, cute and functional!
My kids take it as a personal challenge to spot Box Tops on various products that we purchase. It’s a little game they like to play. 🙂
Look for Box Tops on your favorite Reynolds Consumer Products, including Reynolds® Bakeware Pans, Reynolds® Oven Bags, Hefty® Easy Grip® Cups, Hefty® Easy Flaps® Tall Kitchen Bags and Large Trash Bags, Hefty® Style Plates and more!
If you’d like the chance to earn extra cash for your kids’ school, be sure to play the Hefty and Reynolds Box Tops for Education “School Supplied” sweepstakes and daily instant win game. They’re giving away thousands of product prizes PLUS 10,000 eBoxTops to 5 lucky schools!!
Patterned paper in various colors
Chalkboard sticker label
Chalk or Chalk Marker
Empty Soup Can (cleaned thoroughly and dried completely)
Mod Podge
Foam Brush
Plastic lid from a chip canister
Box Cutter
Begin by cutting strips of patterned paper (I just used scraps) to fit all the way around the can with a little overlap. How wide your strips are will depend on how many you want. You’ll want to leave enough space to overlap the strips on each other.
Apply a little (not too much or the paper will bubble) Mod Podge to each strip, working one at a time and adhere it to the can, running your fingers along it to ensure a nice bond with the can. Do the same for the remaining strips, ensuring that they all meet in one place.
Label your chalk board sticker, place it on the can, then cut a slit in the top of your plastic lid using the box cutter. Make sure the slit is big enough to fit the largest of Box Tops. The lid will not fit really snuggly, so if you’d like it to, just place a few pieces of double sided tape on the inner rim to hold it in place. That way, it’ll be easily removeable as well.
Collecting Box Tops is even more fun with this happy-looking container! I love that the colors are so scholastic too..they remind me of fresh-out-of-the box supplies at the beginning of the year…not much is better! It sits on our counter where we’ll always be reminded to clip and save those important little rectangles!Now my kids can hardly wait for school to start again so they can turn over their spoils and watch their teachers smile! Well, they might not be that excited to see their summer break end, but it will be a good day when they get to proudly hand in their filled-to-the-brim can!
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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