This is also the place where we get to open up about how our day went, what we accomplished and what tomorrow will bring. My six-year-old always loves to fill us in on who she played with at recess and what new concept she learned at school. My son, well, let’s just say he’s three and has appointed himself the family joke teller. He thinks he’s pretty hilarious and we love to laugh with him in between bites.
Despite a busy schedule, I enjoy serving home-cooked meals to my family as often as possible. My kids practically live off mac ‘n cheese, so one night recently for dinner, I made their favorite dish…but with a twist. This Chili Mac & Cheese was a hit and made a boat-load, so I got away with not cooking for a few nights afterwards while we finished the tasty leftovers. 🙂
pookie says
Christine Bell says
Angel Allen says
Sew Crafty Angel
Morgaine Ford-Workman says
Erin Indahl-Fink says
Sinea Pies says says