Hey there, I Dig Pinterest readers! Hope I didn’t scare ya with that pic up there ;o)
My name is Allie and I usually blog over at Baking a Moment. I’m so happy Christine invited me to be a part of this fun Halloween event! I have two little boys and it’s so much fun to get into the holiday spirit with them. They’re only 7 and 5 though, so we don’t really like to be too scary about it. Mildly spooky is about all we can handle around here.
These cookies are so fun and easy! My kiddos got in on the creating and we had a blast together. I threw the cookie dough together in the blink of an eye (no pun intended), and then we rolled the balls in chocolate sprinkles and pressed in some candy eyeballs. Just go nuts! There’s no wrong way to do this!
You could even add some black licorice whip legs if you want, but I had trouble finding them so I just sat a few of my critters on an upside-down peanut butter cup. I kinda think it looks like lots of creepy bug legs.
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
1 large egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
3/4 teaspoons kosher salt
Candy eyeballs
Add the egg and vanilla and mix until well-combined.
Bake the cookies (on parchment-lined baking sheets) for 10 minutes; cool completely. Place on mini peanut butter cups.
The best part about these cookies is how good they taste! They are soft and fudgy inside, and the flavor is almost exactly like an Oreo. My boys are veeeerrrrry picky about what they eat, even when it comes to sweets, and they were begging for more of these hairy spiders! They’ll definitely be making an appearance at their class Halloween parties!
Thanks again, Christine, for the opportunity to meet your readers! I hope you enjoyed this post! I’ve got lots more yummy recipes for dessert lovers over at Baking a Moment, you guys. I’d be so glad if you popped over to say hi! And you can keep up with me by clicking the links below. Happy Halloween!
Emily Thompson says
Christine Bell says
Heather Kinnaird says
Christine Bell says
Michelle Katseanes says
Christine Bell says
Erin says
This was one of my favorite recipes from last week's #thatsfreshfriday link-up! I'll be sharing it on my website on Thursday evening at 7 p.m. EST and will link to it this weekend, as well. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see what you have for us this coming week!
Christine Bell says
mothers shadow says
Christine Bell says
Katherines Corner says
Cheryl @ That's What Che Said says
rokn elbeet says
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رقية فؤاد says
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