Oh what to do with all that chocolate Halloween candy that comes home with the kids after a night of trick-or-treating around the neighborhood? I asked myself that question, and my solution is this phenomenal Halloween Candy Snack Mix.
How was your Halloween? Our evening was C-O-L-D! I thought I went out prepared. We had gloves, a blanket, and the kids were in lots of layers, so as not to cover up their cute costumes with coats. I left my one-year-old home and just took the two older kiddos out in our double jogging stroller. The wind was blowing hard, making matters even worse. Despite the freezing temperature, we made it to lots of houses and collected way too many goodies.
Here’s my little trick-or-treaters.
I’ll have you know this was the third round of costumes for these children. Baby stayed a mouse all three times, but my son and older daughter changed for each occasion. We managed to throw something together at the last minute on Halloween night when my son said he wanted to be a skeleton and daughter a vampire. We have tons of princess dress-ups, but she insisted on being something scary this time. 🙂 They still look cute, though, don’t you think? I have to laugh that my boy always has to wear Batman apparel in some form or another.
My kids are not big candy eaters, so luckily I don’t have to worry about limiting their sugar intake. I’m more concerned with controlling myself around the stuff. 🙂 I seriously have to hide the candy, because if I leave it out on the counter, I eat a few pieces every time I pass by, and trust me, I find excuses to pass by often. I have zero self control around chocolate. The other goodies don’t call my name, but I surrender to the chocolate time after time after time.
That’s why this Halloween Candy Snack Mix is so wonderful. Fill cupcake liners with the tasty concoction, and what do you have? Built in portion control, of course! Just what I need. 🙂
I chopped up a bunch of miniature pieces of chocolate…you know the Reese’s, Crunch bars, Snickers, Twix, Whoppers, M&M’s, Kit Kats…the whole kaboodle, and forced them to become best friends with some warm homemade caramel and a few cups of Chex, Rice Krispies, and broken up Ritz Crackers.
2 1/2 c. Rice or Corn Chex
1 c. Rice Krispies
10 Ritz Crackers, coursely broken up
2 c. chopped candy bars
1/2 square (1/4 cup) butter
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 t. vanilla
1 T. Evaporated Milk
Add Chex, Rice Krispies, Ritz Crackers, and chopped candy bars to a bowl. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Add brown sugar and stir together. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and whisk in evaporated milk and vanilla. Put back on heat and bring to a boil again, once again, stirring constantly. Remove from heat immediately after mixture comes to a boil. Pour caramel mixture over Chex mixture and chocolate pieces and toss to coat. Add in a few extra candy bar pieces if you’d like.
Enjoy! It’s a fantastically yummy way to use up all those Halloween mini chocolate bars in 15 minutes or less.
~ Jenn @ We Do FUN Here
With Love,
Al @ Shaffer Sisters
Britni @ Play. Party. Pin.
What a great idea and does sound delicioso! Pinned and you will be one of the features Friday. Thanks so much for linking every Tuesday, I truly love your blog.
Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile
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