This jam and bread teacher appreciation gift is sure to be a hit! It’s such a simple and cute way to thank a wonderful educator!
I seriously cannot believe that the end of the school year is so close! Before we know it, the kids will be out for summer break! It has flown by!
My kids are anxious to take a rest from the book work to spend lots of time playing under the sun, participating in swimming and tennis lessons, and getting together with friends.
We have loved their teachers. They have been just what my kids have needed. It’s so important that the personalities mesh and they really did this time.
During teacher appreciation week in May, my kids always like to take in a small gift to show their gratitude. What’s better than bread and jam? Not much, I’d venture to say!
I came up with a super cheesy but cute phrase to add to the jam-“This School Year was Jam-Packed with Fun!” and then attached the tags with baker’s twine. It being the end of the school year, with all the craziness, I didn’t have time to bake up some fresh bread, so I tossed some pretzel rolls from Costco in a bag and called it good! (Have you had those rolls, by the way? They’re AMAZING!)
Download and print your free gift tags here. **Printables are for personal use only.
Do you know a great teacher who deserves this gift?
I hope your kids have had a good school year like mine! Happy almost summer break!
For all other teacher appreciation gift ideas go here.