All the deliciousness of a Creamsicle popsicle in one perfectly orange-flavored, dreamy citrus and white chocolate cookie!
I remember so fondly, growing up, enjoying my Orange Creamsicle on a hot summer’s day while sitting on the plush green grass with my siblings. We had to lick it fast before the sun melted it. Those were the carefree days of running around barefoot outdoors and getting the occasional sticker in the foot, but still refusing to wear shoes.
My sisters and I would practice our back bends and cartwheels on the lawn, make forts between the fruit trees, and play with the newest litter of kittens. We’d ride our bikes around town, stopping to fill our brown bags with penny candy at the downtown “candy store” as we called it, then munch on it while slowly making our way home.
I remember there was a manmade waterfall on the side of the road that we liked to stop at and dream about sliding down. We could spend all day every day outdoors as long as we were together.
My kids are not so easily entertained, nor for as long.
Since we moved to the mountains, however, they do play outside much more often, catching lizards and bugs, riding bikes, playing tag, and have even made their own secret hideout. It makes my mommy heart happy to see them doing some of the things that I used to in my childhood days.
1 1/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter, softened
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
2 Tbsp. finely grated orange rind
1/4 c. freshly squeezed orange juice
2 3/4 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. white chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream together sugar, butter, cream cheese, egg, vanilla, orange rind, and orange juice for 1-2 minutes, until well combined. In a separate bowl, stir together flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt. Add to creamed mixture and mix until combined. Stir in white chocolate chips.
Scoop onto a cookie sheet that’s been prepared with a nonstick baking liner or nonstick cooking spray and bake for approximately 8 minutes, or just until done, so they stay nice and chewy and soft. Let cool on the cookie sheet for a few minutes, then remove to a cooling rack to cool completely. Store in an airtight container so they stay soft.
One thing that I always loved as a young girl was when my mom would make cookies. It didn’t matter which ones…all were scrumptious in their own way.
My kids are the same…they always push through the door after school and the first thing out of their mouth is “What kind of cookies did you make today?!” Ha ha!
They know me too well.
So this time I told them that I made healthy cookies and their interest was certainly piqued. 🙂 Then I had to explain myself with…”Well sort of…they have fresh orange juice in them, so they’re loaded with vitamin C!” 🙂 Yes, these are infection-fighting cookies. That’s what I kept telling myself as I popped them in my mouth like they were going out of style.
The kids seemed to like the idea of a cookie that involved oranges and white chocolate chips, especially if said confection would also help them not to catch the cold virus that’s running rampant through their school, so they ventured to have a bite and the rest is history…so were the remaining cookies.
I have a feeling these will be top on the list of most requested cookies around our house, and the list is LONG, becoming longer by the day. 🙂 What can I say…we are cookie people!
Thanks Maria
Thanks for sharing :)
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