All the goodness of a yummy summer drink in a creamy, dreamy fruit dip! If you love pink lemonade, you’re sure to enjoy this treat!
I can’t believe how fast the school year passed! Before you know it, the summer months will be here! I can’t wait to spend lots of time with my kiddos.I remember those hot months away from school were my very favorite, growing up. One of the things that was always on mine and my sibling’s summer bucket list was to set up a lemonade stand. We dreamed of making loads of cash so we could turn around and empty our pockets on candy and toys. 🙂
We’d carefully decorate a sign, then stir the mix into the water in the pitcher, then pour it into paper cups. We set up a little table by the busy street in front of our house and then waited and hoped each car would stop before passing us by.
We usually came out with a fair amount of coins that we’d then divide at least four ways, but the experience was well worth it. I remember as I got a little older and we continued our tradition, I started to gain a true appreciation for those kind souls who took a minute out of their busy lives to come and grab a cup of lemonade that they didn’t know they needed to support some money-hungry children our budding business. 🙂
So I created this dip in memory of my carefree childhood days and our annual summer lemonade stand.
I still enjoy a nice cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. I also love a cool and creamy fruit dip, so I combined the two into one amazing, refreshing treat! I seriously couldn’t help but eat it by the spoonful. It’s addicting! This dip just screams summertime! It’s absolutely delightful served with a plate of fresh strawberries. Pineapple chunks, kiwis, grapes, cantaloupe, raspberries, and blackberries.
I still enjoy a nice cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. I also love a cool and creamy fruit dip, so I combined the two into one amazing, refreshing treat! I seriously couldn’t help but eat it by the spoonful. It’s addicting! This dip just screams summertime! It’s absolutely delightful served with a plate of fresh strawberries. Pineapple chunks, kiwis, grapes, cantaloupe, raspberries, and blackberries.
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 c. powdered sugar
6 oz. pink lemonade frozen from concentrate
8 oz. Cool Whip
Red food coloring, optional
In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream together cream cheese and powdered sugar until smooth and no lumps remain. Add pink lemonade and mix until smooth. Fold in Cool Whip and a few drops of red food coloring until the desired pink color is achieved and mixture is fluffy. Transfer to a pretty serving bowl, cover and allow to set in the refrigerator for at least one hour.
You’re going to love this recipe! Grab some fruit, graham crackers, or Nilla Wafers and dig in!