Keep the kids busy while having fun on Thanksgiving with this Turkey Noisemaker Craft!
Because there’s just not enough noise in the house already, we’ll provide the little ones with another method to drive the adults crazy. 🙂 Just kidding. These hand-made toys really don’t cause much commotion and are absolutely darling!
This would be a great way to occupy the kids after Thanksgiving dinner while the adults enjoy some conversation and let the stomachs settle a little before breaking out the pies!
This project is super simple and requires just a few supplies that you probably already have on-hand.
Small paper plates (the color doesn’t matter because it won’t show)
Brown paint and sponge brush
Large Popsicle sticks (tongue depressors)
Construction paper or patterned scrapbook paper
Large googly eyes
Yarn or jute
Something to put inside that will make noise (I used candy corns)
Grab two plates and turn them over.
Paint both of the outsides brown, then let dry.
Cut triangles with your orange paper and then a gobbler with your red. Glue on googly eyes, beak and gobbler. I used hot glue, but with younger kids, Elmer’s school glue would be best.
Cut “feathers” out of various colors of paper and glue them on the top back of the face plate.
Turn the face plate over and add some noise makers.
Place the back plate on top, painted side out, and line up. Punch holes all the way around. When I got to the feathers, I just worked the punch in between. An adult will probably need to help with this step.
Thread the yarn or jute all the way around and tie in the back.
Put some hot glue a little ways down on the tongue depressor/large Popsicle stick and poke it in between the plates, pressing them together to seal it in. Push it up far enough that the turkey will be supported.
Now let the kids have fun doing what they do best…making a ruckus!
Isn’t Mr. Turkey cute?
The kids are sure to love this, and so will the adults. 🙂
Stopping by from The Sits Girls