I bet you would never guess that these Chocolate Chip Cookies have a secret ingredient of whole wheat in them! But, now before you turn away in disgust, hear me out. 🙂
Well, actually, first just take a look at these beauties. If yumminess doesn’t just ooze/burst through the photo, then call me crazy. Common. I can handle it. But I don’t think I heard anything.
My sister made these and snapped some photos, enticing me as usual. And then she proceeded to tell me that there was whole wheat in them. Now, I love me some whole wheat pancakes or whole wheat bread, but hold the phone…wheat flour in cookies?!
Say what?
Um, no way!
I don’t think so.
Nice try.
This was my original thought process.
I admit I may be the world’s biggest skeptic when it comes to attempting to make sweets “better for you”. If I’m going to indulge in dessert, I don’t care about conserving on calories or saving on fat. I just want the real thing, dang it! Don’t take away any of that buttery flavor or that sugary goodness, or I just might scream! That’s me in a nutshell.
I’ll be the first to literally eat my own words, though, if someone is able to sneak a scrumptious “healthier” dessert past my palate. And I’m pretty sure my sister did just that today.
These Chocolate Chip delights are slightly crunchy on the edges and chewy in the center. I call that the perfect cookie! So the fact that they’ve got some of my daily intake of fiber within their crispy walls makes them a million times better, especially since my sister will attest that none of the deliciousness was lost in the process. And I trust her taste in desserts completely and without question. 🙂
Well, I trust her word in areas that don’t involve sugar. If she told me the world was ending, I’d go pack my family scrapbooks, grab my kids, and run for cover. If she ventured to let slip that Amazon was going out of business, I’d freak out, because then I wouldn’t get my free two day shipping. You catch my drift. I have full confidence in this girl.
So when she says these cookies are “so yummy” (and I’m quoting her verbatim), I’m 100% sure they are in fact “so yummy”.
1 1/4 c brown sugar
1 1/4 c sugar
1 1/4 c butter
3 eggs
1 1/4 tsp baking soda
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 tsp salt
2 1/2 c white wheat flour
2 1/2 c oats (quick oats preferred)
2 1/2 c semisweet chocolate chips (or milk chocolate chips)
Cream butter and sugars. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in dry ingredients and mix well, then stir in chocolate chips. Scoop rounded tablespoonfuls of cookie dough onto a greased sheet. Bake 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. Makes about 4 dozen.
Give them a whirl and I bet you’ll love them too!