These are not a Pinterest find, but I mentioned them when I featured my Best Honey Wheat Bread and had a few readers ask for the recipe.
Like I’ve said before, my kids are probably some of the pickiest in the world, but they request these pancakes every morning. They are healthy, yummy, and filling. My kids like them smothered in maple syrup. I ate them growing up with homemade peach or apple syrup, occasionally with sweetened whipped cream to top them off, and they were fantastic. But then that kind of defeated the whole purpose of them being healthy. 🙂 Either way- lots of syrup, a little syrup, cream or no cream-they are delicious!
A batch comes together surprisingly fast and lasts for a few breakfasts at our house. We’ll never grow tired of them!
If your kids like pancakes, there’s a good chance they’ll like these too! Just don’t let them see you measuring the “brown” flour and they’ll never know!
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cup milk (I use 1%, but I’m sure any kind works)
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
3 Tablespoons sugar (I use white, but you can also use brown)
2 eggs
Stir dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients and whisk by hand or use a mixer. Cook on greased griddle or frying pan. Enjoy!