Need a class Valentine that doesn’t involve candy? These “You’ve Left a Mark on My Heart” Valentines are just the thing! Attach a fun pen, heart crayon, or colorful marker and give to friends and classmates!
I know this sounds crazy coming from a dessert blogger and total sweets lover, but this time of year I get a little treated out! We’ve just come from the holiday season where we were on sugar overload and we’ve still got Halloween candy stashed on the kids’ shelves.
We all know there will be plenty of candy going around on Valentine’s Day at the class party, so I thought I’d come up with a fun option to throw in the mix that won’t make the kids get cavities! 🙂
I found these adorable stackable heart crayons at Walmart in the seasonal Valentine’s section and knew I needed to come up with a cute, sentimental saying to go with them! “The cheesier the better” is my motto when it comes to kids’ Valentines. 🙂
What kid doesn’t love to color? I think crayons or markers are the perfect Valentine gift for young ones! My daughter is so excited to hand these out to her best friends!
Download and print your free Valentines tags here.
**Be sure to print on white cardstock in LANDSCAPE layout in the print menu.
*Printables are for personal use only.
Simply print the tags, cut out, then attach the crayon going diagonally from the right to the left with a piece of cute Washi tape . You could also punch a hole on both sides of the crayon and tie the crayon to the card with string or baker’s twine.
These are so easy to make in bulk and give to classmates on Valentine’s Day! Between four kids, we give out a lot of Valentines, so I rely on simple Valentine solutions!
I remember getting so excited for Valentine’s Day, growing up. I love to witness this special holiday through my kids’ eyes now! I hope you have a wonderful day with those you love!
For all other class Valentine ideas, go HERE.
Chelsea says