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Don’t let the summer heat keep you from exercising outdoors! Use these six tips to keep you safe and hydrated while working out under the sun!
After a long winter here in the mountains, it’s always so refreshing to experience spring and summer. The cold temps and snow keep me indoors for my daily workout during the winter months and it about makes me crazy! Give me heat any day over the cold! I much prefer getting outside for my morning sweat session so I can enjoy the beautiful scenery while releasing endorphins and getting into shape.
I’ve always loved long distance running. There’s just something about the way it makes me feel, with my heart pounding, sweating to the max, and realizing the positive impact it’s having on my body. Y’all know how I love my desserts, so I like to counter that with a hard-core, feet-to-the-pavement regime. 🙂
I’m a firm believer that the heat shouldn’t be an excuse for going outdoors and getting moving. There are ways to work around it and with it so you can still check that workout off your list! So, without further ado, here are my six tips for “no-excuses” exercising in the summer heat!
1. Stay hydrated! Living at high elevation can really take a toll on me if I don’t stay on top of drinking liquids all throughout the day. I purposely mentioned this first because it is so crucial when the temps are soaring high outside. Drink, drink, and drink some more during and after the workout to combat dehydration. My favorite workout drinks, when I’m bored of water and crave flavor, are vitaminwater Zero and Powerade Zero. I love that they quench my thirst, are delicious, and have zero calories!
I stocked up on these beverages at Albertsons during my last grocery trip. Go HERE to locate a store near you!
Buy participating products at Albertsons or Safeway and get a text to win code for a chance to Win a Trip for 2 to a Wellness Retreat in Palm Springs, CA!
2. Wear sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses to keep the rays away. Because sun burns are no fun!
3. Give your body time to adjust to the heat. Be sure to ease into outdoor exercise when the summer exercising season first begins so you don’t overdo it! I like to start with a low mileage run and slowly increase it with each passing day. It doesn’t take long for the body to get “used” to running in high temperatures. But again, be sure to drink, drink, drink! There are so many flavors of vitaminwater Zero and Powerade Zero to keep things interesting.
4.Work out in the early morning hours or late in the evening to avoid the highest temperatures. My favorite time to exercise during the summer is just as the sun is coming up, when it’s cool and quiet. But if I can’t work in a session in the morning, later in the evening is a close second. While it’s hard to wake up early, it feels great to get that workout done and out of the way!
5. Listen to your body. I like to wear my special watch that tells me all the important stats like mileage, time, calories burned, and even my heart rate. There are smart phone apps that will provide the same information. If you’re feeling unusually tired or experience any heat exhaustion symptoms, don’t hesitate to stop the activity.
6. Wear Breathable Clothing that will wick away sweat. Overly tight and heavy fabrics can restrict movement and contribute to the heat.
The feeling of completing that challenging run is unbeatable! Now enjoy that sense of accomplishment and catch up on those liquids!
I hope you found these tips helpful! Do you enjoy exercising outdoors during the summer? What does your typical routine look like? I’d love to hear!