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Struggling to get baby to sleep well at night? This DIY Paper Airplane Mobile is fun to look at while drifting off to dreamland! Plus, I’m offering some advice for moms of infants like me who need more rest!
My eight month old has not had the best track record when it comes to sleep. In fact none of my four babies have. I’m starting to wonder if it’s genetic. But, whatever the reason, I spend my days doing the best I can to function on my “fuzzy mom brain”. I forget more than I should and sometimes say things that don’t make sense, but I’ll blame it on my lack of rest. 🙂
When I have conversations with other moms and they talk about how their baby slept through the night since day one, I’m baffled and super jealous and ask how they do it.
For the longest time it has seemed unattainable.
But then morning after morning I wake up to this adorable face and I can’t even begin to get frustrated with him. 🙂 I mean look at those bright eyes and double chins, that adorable button nose and cute diapered bottom. It all adds up to huggable, kissable baby perfection!
If there’s one thing I’ve learned four kids later, it’s that if baby’s happy, mama’s happy! More often than not, his level of contentment depends on the status of his diaper. And that’s true both day and night.
Because comfort leads to rest and because I like giving both of us the best chance at a full night’s sleep, I use Huggies OverNites Diapers.
This amazing absorbent diaper has a wick away layer to help keep baby’s skin dry, plus provides all night leakage protection for up to 12 hours! It’s no wonder Huggies OverNites Diapers are the #1 selling nighttime diaper! Save $2 with this coupon!
Huggies OverNites Diapers have a SnugFit waistband too, which ensures that the diaper stays in place no matter how much baby tosses or turns throughout the night. So if he decides to sleep for an 8 hour solid block, I can rest peacefully too, knowing that he’s completely comfortable. And if he does get up during the night, I’m almost positive it’s not because of his diaper!
It was a genius decision to entrust my precious sleep to this diaper, because my sweet little busy guy wakes up in the morning now feeling more rested, with even more energy to crawl, climb, explore, and make all kinds of messes. And I wouldn’t have it any other way because now I’m robust enough to keep up with him. 🙂
We can’t talk diapers, though, without discussing the wipes! I love Huggies Natural Care Wipes because their simple formula is gentle on my baby’s soft, sensitive skin and their triple layers provide the ultimate level of clean!
Huggies OverNites Diapers and Huggies Natural Care Wipes are easy to find in the diaper aisle at Target.
So now, because I’m not so sleep deprived and consequently have extra energy to burn doing crafts, I put together this tiered Paper Airplane Mobile and hung it above his crib for a colorful nursery decoration that’s also fun for him to look at.
Here’s how to make it:
2 wooden embroidery hoops (6″ and 10″)
Craft Paint and foam brush
Rectangular double-sided patterned paper (or glue two pieces together so the patterns face out)
Baker’s Twine
Double-sided tape
Begin by painting your embroidery hoops and allowing them to dry while you make the paper airplanes.
I couldn’t find paper with patterns on both sides, so I grabbed some 8×8″ patterned paper and glued another piece to the back of each. I trimmed about 1 1/2″ off one side of each piece so it wasn’t square.
To make the paper airplanes, fold the paper in half lengthwise. This will be your guideline for the following steps. Now fold down the top two corners so they meet at that center fold line. Crease.
Now fold that top triangle down and crease. Take the top two corners and bring them to the center fold line and crease. Fold the little piece that’s hanging out the bottom up and crease.
Now fold the entire thing in half so the folds stay on the outside. Fold the two sides down so they line up exactly with the bottom edge. Repeat this process for the remaining five airplanes (or however many you’d like), using coordinating patterned paper. Tie 4 or more pieces of baker’s twine of equal length and at an equal distance apart to the smallest hoop and then tie them to the larger hoop. Trim the ends.
Tie 12 more pieces of baker’s twine (two for each airplane for the best support) to the larger hoop, varying the length so the airplanes will hang at different levels for added interest. Attach each airplane to the two pieces of string by inserting the string between the folded layers and placing a piece of double stick tape to secure, then pressing it closed firmly. Now tie four more pieces of baker’s twine to the top of the smallest hoop, bring up together and tie a square knot close to the top.That’s it!
So cute, right?! I love adding handmade elements to my home decor! They add a unique touch that’s unmatched! Baby seems to appreciate it too. 🙂
What are your best tips for helping baby to sleep better at night? I’d love to hear in the comments section below!